Livestreaming Events
Invite Attendees to your Event - including Face-to-Face Participants and Virtual Audiences
Livestream Your Next Event Professionally
With excellent audiovisual facilities, we can also help you livestream or webcast your classes & webinars simultaneously on all major social media platforms such as Youtube, Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter and also on your website.
We also help you host hybrid events - including a few guests in-person while reaching thousands of your followers online.

Events include Workshops, Interviews, Meetings, Conferences, Training Sessions, Product Launches and many more.

Over 5,000 Viewers Across Social Media Platforms
Last year, we worked with Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs for an event about #EmbracingMotherhood without boundaries. The Topic was "from Menstruation, Maternity to Menopause".
Across social media platforms, we broadcasted the forum to over 5,000 viewers on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.